The Inisiatif Pendapat Rakyat (IPR) Projek Basmi Miskin Tegar (BMT) is taking significant steps in addressing hardcore poverty and uplifting the B40 community in Malaysia. By employing a two-pronged strategy focusing on agricultural initiatives, food businesses, and human capital development, the initiative aims to increase the income of hardcore poor families and the B40 group.

This strategy aligns closely with the goals outlined in the Twelfth Malaysia Plan, 2021-2025 (12MP), which prioritizes poverty reduction and the development of an inclusive society. Specifically, the plan emphasizes the eradication of hardcore poverty by 2025, as highlighted in the policies and strategies of Pemacu Perubahan VI and Chapter 5.

To ensure the success of BMT in achieving its objectives, a new strategy will be implemented. This strategy involves coordinated efforts at the federal, state, and district levels, adopting a whole-of-nation approach. Additionally, it emphasizes a bottom-up method, where local problems are addressed with local solutions, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

By employing targeted poverty resolution strategies, BMTKM aims to tackle hardcore poverty effectively and efficiently. This approach recognizes the diverse challenges faced by different communities and tailors interventions accordingly. Overall, the adoption of this new strategy reflects a commitment to achieving zero hardcore poverty by 2025 through comprehensive and inclusive efforts.


Date: 8th November 2022
Locality: Sebuyau
Location: Kg. Seberang Sebuyau
KIR involved: 8 KIR


Lubok Antu
Date: 3 August 2023 - 15 August 2023
Locality: Lubok Antu
Location: Rumah Sebang Sebeliau, Rumah Antau (Bunu Beging), Rumah Kujay Ejok, Rumah Imau Tanjong, Rumah Aloysius Ngabong Basi Ulu, Rumah Tengak Basi Baru Engkelili, Rumah Tela Adin Pak, Rumah Chundie Geligau Ili, Rumah Unchit Geligau Ulu, Rumah Narok Sebeliau, Rumah Isau Gelong, Rumah Dain Langkong Hilir, Rumah Anggoi Lio, Rumah Pindie Empelemam, Rumah Morris Pedalai, Rumah Nuang Tengah, Rumah Tambi Tawai Ulu, Rumah Will Minggta Stuga, Rumah Ayum Ensurai, Rumah Sujang Semueh Batu 4, Rumah Merintin Merindun, Rumah Andam Sedarat Simpang, Rumah Assan Sedarat Mawang, Rumah Juin Sedarat Mawang, Rumah Sujang Sedarat Salin, Rumah Sibat Jelukong, Jelukong Mawang, Rumah Sirai Marup, Rumah Anthony Paoh, Rumah Entu Kelampo, Rumah Mangku Sg. Keroh, Rumah Machau Nanga Kumpang, Rumah Baying Kumpang Langgir, Rumah Kelly Kumpang Langgir, Rumah Naga Rasau A, Rumah Janang San Semanju, Rumah Kudang Berenggang Semanju, Rumah Unchat Nibong Baru, Rumah Tayan Nibong, Rumah Buda Merio Nanga, Jalan Merio, Rumah Diup Meria Tambak, Jalan Marup, Rumah Ugin Stengin Baru, Rumah Udi Merbong, Rumah Ambun Merbong Baru, Rumah Alaw Bua, Rumah Kiroh Nanga Jengin Lemanak, Rumah Juan Ngemah Uku Lemanak, Rumah Sian Pelanga Lemanak, Rumah Mat Nanga Sekawi Tingting Brunau Lemanak, Rumah Bakar Bawi Patoh Lemanak, Rumah Manggie Bawi Ulu Lemanak, Rumah Lugat Nanga Mato Lemanak, Rumah Jeli Lubok Payan Lemanak, Rumah Surik Nanga Puloh Lemanak, Rumah Utum Nanga Puloh Lemanak, Rumah Pagang Lepong Mawang Ulu Lemanak, Rumah Baba Nanga Kapu Lemanak, Rumah Edat Lubok Subong Lemanak, Rumah Untung Nanga Kesit Atas Lemanak, Rumah Unsa Sekandis Lemanak, Rumah Bandang Merindun
KIR involved: 173 KIR


KIR involved: